Black Widow
Latrodectus we used to know him as the Black Widow. Black Window is a type of spider that is harmful to humans, so the Black Widow has a bad reputation because of Black Widow bites contain venom glands are very large. If you are bitten by a spider like the one in this picture you should quickly go to the nearest doctor for help. Black Widow is not an aggressive animal, these spiders do not bite if he is not in a state is threatened as she pressed or pinched. As shown in the picture here, the Black Widow has a shiny black body color and in the back of the artifacts that make the little red spider is easily recognized.
Black Widow can be found in areas that have a warm climate and the most frequently encountered didaera United States, north, south and west.

Black Widow Picture

Black Widow Spider Web
arachnida animal

Black Widow
animal wallpaper